Tamanuiterā God of the sun

Listing image #999817
Listing image #999813
Listing image #999819
Tamanuiterā, God of the sun,

Tama-nui-te-rā is the personified form of the sun, Te Rā was the main deity of the heavens. During winter he was known as Te Rā-tūoi (the lean sun) and during summer Te Rā-kura (the red sun). Midday was Te Poupoutanga-o-te-rā (the post of the sun) or Te Pou-tū-a-tamanui-te-rā (the standing post of the sun). Dawn and sunset were called Te Tamanui-te-rā-kā (the burning sun). The flight of the sun across the sky was described as Te Manu-i-te-rā (the bird of the sun).

Māori mythology says that after the world’s creation the sun moved across the sky so rapidly that night and day were very short; there was not enough time for people to perform daily tasks or get sufficient sleep. The demigod Māui devised a plan to slow the sun. He and his brothers made several strong ropes and journeyed to where the sun rises from the underworld. They built a low wall to hide behind, and laid out their ropes as nooses. When the sun appeared the brothers leapt out from their hiding place, threw the ropes over the sun, and ensnared it. Their quarry securely held, Māui leapt up and beat the sun until it cried for mercy. Today Māori believe that the rays of the sun are the remnants of the ropes used to slow its path.

This artwork depicts the warmth of Tama-nui-te-rā and his incredible presence as he holds "Maui" in his hands.

(Photos don't represent actual size, the price does not include a frame, please message us if you would like one framed)
Size- 380 x 910mm
Paper- Smooth Rag- Perfectly captures detail, with a non-reflective textured surface.
It comes safely stored in a cardboard Tube for transport.

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  • Bank deposit

Shipping details

  • Ships from Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Free Standard post within NZ
  • $20.00 Australia
    (Free with another item)
  • Rural delivery charge applies.
  • If there is no suitable option for you listed above, to enquire about alternative payment or shipping options.

Listing #548286
Viewed 538 times